


is a young start-up team of game retailers, making game experience closer to people all over the world. Though our story started 2 years ago, we’re firmly standing our feet and giving access to more than 1000 games in dozens of genres, so each and every one could find something for themselves here. In this rapidly-changing world it’s so important to have a safe space, and we’re bringing such space. Our prices are very affordable, which makes it possible to choose and to have real adventures without leaving home. We’re excited to share our mission: bringing joy and happiness for all game lovers and we’re sincerely proud of how we’re doing it. Come with us and dive deep into the world of fun right now!




We’re doing our job good, which can prove hundreds of our clients. is proud of it’s work principles: we’re selling only official certified games; we are only affiliated with official developers and publishers. When you’re purchasing from us, you can always be sure, that the game you’re going to play is licensed and has the best possible quality. And so, you’ll have the best possible experience, whether you’re fighting spaceships and aliens or building your own world and solving puzzles. No matter what you choose – you’ll know, you’re having a warranty of quality, and each game key you got, came from official publisher.